Darcy Weyant
Job title: Associate Director, Clinical Supply
Supply Chain Considerations When Expanding into New Regions 8:30 am
Outlining different chain of identity & custody (COI & COC) requirements for different major regions Carrying out effective training into shipping, storing, handling, and administering CGTs Identifying shipping requirements, vendor identification, and storage facilities with suitable infrastructure Highlighting key differences in supply chain regulations between different regulatory bodies Supply chain-specific considerations to be aware of…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day
Change Management in Dynamic Gene Therapy Trials: A Case Study in Surviving Constant Protocol Changes and Supply Chain Issues 1:40 pm
Navigating supply chain, stock out, and protocol change challenges during scale-up from Phase 1 to Pivotal Overcoming temperature control challenges at sites Mitigating waste at clinical sites through JIT shippingRead more
day: Conference Day One